American Sign Language Interpreting

Let's delve into American Sign Language (ASL), the vital need for sign language translators across various sectors, and how Notarize is at the forefront of providing these essential services.

I. The Genesis and Evolution of American Sign Language (ASL)

American Sign Language (ASL) originated in the early 19th century at the American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut. It emerged from the intermixing of local sign languages and French Sign Language brought by Laurent Clerc, a deaf teacher. Over the years, ASL has evolved and is now recognized as a complete, natural language with its own syntax and grammar, distinct from spoken English.

II. The Crucial Role of Sign Language Translators

Sign language translators play an essential role in bridging communication gaps. For the 5% of the world's population experiencing hearing loss, these translators are not just a luxury but a necessity. They ensure that deaf individuals have equal access to information and services, crucial in educational, medical, legal, and many other settings.

sign language interpreter

III. Diverse Applications of Sign Language Translation

Educational Support

In educational settings, translators facilitate learning and interaction, ensuring deaf students have equal access to education.


In healthcare, they are vital for accurate communication between patients and medical staff, impacting diagnoses and treatment.

Legal and Judicial

In legal contexts, translators ensure fair proceedings by enabling effective communication for deaf individuals in courtrooms.

Business Environments

In the corporate world, they play a role in meetings, training, and ensuring workplace inclusivity.

Entertainment and Media

In media, they make content accessible to a wider audience, including television broadcasts and live events.

IV. Notarize Bridging Communication Gaps

Notarize offers specialized sign language translation services across these sectors. They boast a team of qualified translators adept in ASL, ensuring accuracy and professionalism. Their services are not just about translation but about creating an inclusive environment.

american sign language translator

V. The Future of Sign Language Translation

The field of sign language translation is evolving with technology. Innovations like automated sign language translators are emerging, yet the human element remains irreplaceable for nuanced and accurate communication.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is American Sign Language?

ASL is a complete, natural language used by the deaf community in the United States and English-speaking parts of Canada.

2. Why are sign language translators important?

They provide accessibility for deaf individuals, ensuring they can participate fully in society.

3. Where are sign language translators commonly used?

They are used in education, healthcare, legal proceedings, corporate meetings, and media.

4. How does Notarize ensure quality in translation?

Notarize employs qualified, experienced translators who are proficient in ASL and familiar with various sectors.

5. Are there technological tools that assist in sign language translation?

Yes, there are emerging technologies, but they supplement rather than replace human translators.

The role of sign language translators is invaluable in our society. Notarize stands as a beacon in this field, championing communication accessibility and inclusivity. As technology advances, the scope for these translators is only set to expand, further breaking down communication barriers.